Green Light Surveillance
This investigative Web-Application deals about the mass surveillance of public space in Detroit. A flashing green light indicates that this location is being observed by cameras with facial recognition software. The interactive map shows the result of the government forced infrastructure and critically questions the effects for the affected citizens.
Publication Date
Die Abschlussarbeit von Ricardo Bachmann umfasst die Gestaltung von sozialer Segregation und städtischer Ausgrenzung. Für seine zugrunde liegende Recherche reiste das Arbeitskollektiv Bang of Urban Districts „BoUD“, (Kimara Hungerbach & Ricardo Bachmann) für sechs Monate nach Detroit. Dort dokumentierte BoUD die produzierte geografische, sowie die alltägliche Segregation innerhalb der Gesellschaft im Stadtraum Detroits.
Publication Date
Green Light Surveillance
This investigative Web-Application deals about the mass surveillance of public space in Detroit. A flashing green light indicates that this location is being observed by cameras with facial recognition software. The interactive map shows the result of the government forced infrastructure and critically questions the effects for the affected citizens.